Is it time to update your professional brand?

Headshots are simple and easy. Just set a time to come in the studio. If you are applying to a new job and need a new CV photo, applying to residencies programs to showcase your best, your team is looking for an updated website look or you want your social media accounts to look more professional. You are welcome to bring a variety of outfit choices and I can help you decide which ones are the best. We can do a few outfits so that in the end you can choose your best. For my basic headshots, just a plain grey back drop is used but blue/white/brown are available. If you are looking for something more personalized, onsite, lifestyle focused or to enhance your brand, I do offer personal branding sessions as well for a custom price. If you have a whole office looking to have a consistent look at feel, I can offer you a special group rate too!

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